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Becoming Marxist: Studies in Philosophy, Struggle, and Endurance
Ted Stolze, "Becoming Marxist: Studies in Philosophy, Struggle, and Endurance" (Haymarket, 2020)
Becoming Marxist studies in philosophy, struggle, and endurance part 1 Stolze, Ted
Althusser and the Politics of a Philosophy for Communism
Marxism, Identity, Historical life
Ch.3 of 3 of Korsch's Revolutionary Marxism by Douglas Kellner
Karl Marx Part 4
Karl Marx and Scientific Socialism
BOOK TALK: Encountering Education: Elements for a Marxist Pedagogy
The REAL ‘life’ of KARL MARX
3/7 of The History of the Left from Marx to the Present by Darrow Schecter
Norman Levine- The Origins of Economic Determinism- ch.10/14 The Tragic Deception: Marx Contra...